Month: May 2019

When Social Media Determined A Teen’s Death

On 13 May 2019, 16-year-old Davia Emilia from Malaysia posted on social media expressing her weariness at life. Via an Instagram story, she requested that her followers vote on whether she should continue living or die.

How Should We Respond To Conflict?

Nobody enjoys conflict. In fact, most of us would rather avoid it. So when conflict rears its ugly head, how should we respond? Today on Discover the Word, the team consider what it looks like to live out your faith when dealing with conflict. Don’t miss the conclusion of the series titled, “Deal with It”, today on Discover the […]

God’s Amazing Hands

Twenty minutes into a flight from New York to San Antonio, the flight plan changed as calm gave way to chaos. When one of the plane’s engines failed, debris from the engine smashed through a window causing the cabin to decompress. Sadly, several passengers were injured and one person was killed. Had not a calm, capable pilot been in the cockpit—one trained as a Navy fighter pilot—things could have been tragically worse. The headline in our local paper read, “In Amazing Hands.”

In Psalm 31, David revealed that he knew something about the Lord’s amazing, caring hands. That’s why he could…

The Role Of A Mediator

In any relationship, conflict is inevitable. But what happens when people can’t work out their differences? Today on Discover the Word, we discuss the role of a mediator in conflict between Christians. It’s another practical lesson on conflict resolution from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, today on Discover the Word!

Depressed—At the Height of My Success

I’ve always been on the quest for love. I was born in a non-Christian family and didn’t know about God, so I turned to the media to define love for me.

Bear Hug

“Bear” was a gift for my grandchild—a heaping helping of love contained in a giant stuffed animal frame. Baby D’s response? First, wonder. Next, an amazed awe. Then, a curiosity that nudged a daring exploration. He poked his pudgy finger at Bear’s nose, and when the Bear tumbled forward into his arms he responded with joy joy JOY! Baby D laid his toddler head down on Bear’s fluffy chest and hugged him tightly. A dimpled smile spread across his cheeks as he burrowed deeply into Bear’s cushiony softness. The child had no idea of Bear’s inability to truly love him. Innocently…

“Deal With It”

For centuries, Christians have squabbled over differences in doctrine or tradition. And it’s caused a lot of division in the church. Today on Discover the Word, the group encourages us to—even with our differences—keep the main thing the main thing. Be part of this week’s series titled, “Deal with It,” today on Discover the Word!

3 Challenges to Worshipping God in a World of Choices

I love worshipping God and spending time with Him.

Every morning, I try my best to set aside time to worship God through prayer, music, Bible study, and journaling.

When All Seems Lost

In just six months, Gerald’s life fell apart. An economic crisis destroyed his business and wealth, while a tragic accident took his son’s life. Overcome by shock, his mother had a heart attack and died, his wife went into depression, and his two young daughters remained inconsolable. All he could do was echo the words of the psalmist, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Psalm 22:1).

The only thing that kept Gerald going was the hope that God, who raised Jesus to life, would one day deliver him and his family from their pain to an eternal life…

What Does The Bible Say About Conflict Resolution?

When someone needs correcting, how do you go about it? Do you sugarcoat the situation, or would you rather “show ’em a little tough love”? Today on Discover the Word, we consider the value of relationship when dealing with conflict. Another practical look at biblical conflict resolution, today on Discover the Word!

A Kind Critique

During a landscape painting class I took, the teacher, a highly experienced professional artist, assessed my first assignment. He stood silently in front of my painting, one hand cupping his chin. Here we go, I thought. He’s going to say it’s terrible.

But he didn’t.

He said he liked the color scheme and the feeling of openness. Then he mentioned that the trees in the distance could be lightened. A cluster of weeds needed softer edges. He had the authority to criticize my work based on the rules of perspective and color, yet his critique was truthful and kind.

Jesus, who was perfectly qualified…

When We Settle for Less Than Rest

I am as guilty as anyone of cramming way too much into my schedule. It’s not that I have a problem saying “no”—I do that regularly—it’s that I just enjoy living a full life.

How To Deal With Conflict In The Church

When it comes to conflict, most people either face it head on, or run the other way. But what if there were a third option? Today on Discover the Word, the group discusses the apostle Paul’s advice for dealing with conflict in the church. Join us for a new series titled, “Deal with It,” today on Discover the Word!

A Longing in Stone

“Ah, every pier is a longing in stone!” says a line in Fernando Pessoa’s Portuguese poem “Ode Marítima.” Pessoa’s pier represents the emotions we feel as a ship moves slowly away from us. The vessel departs but the pier remains, an enduring monument to hopes and dreams, partings and yearnings. We ache for what is lost, and for what we can’t quite reach.

The Portuguese word translated “longing” (saudade) refers to a nostalgic yearning we feel—a deep ache that defies definition. In essence, the poet is describing the indescribable.

We might say that Mount Nebo was Moses’s “longing in stone.” From Nebo…

3 Questions to Ask When You’re Dating

Dating can be such a thrilling adventure, especially since it might possibly lead to marriage! However, before we even step into a relationship, there may be many questions in our minds. For instance, how can I know that I’m ready for a relationship?